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What are the best resources to learn about Microsoft Cloud?

Whatever the Microsoft Cloud role, use our guide to benchmark your salary or contact rate, or to uncover what you should be paying employees in your team.

Looking for career advice, hiring tips, certification guidance, or the latest updates on Microsoft? Then make the Nigel Frank blog your go-to resource. It's an invaluable one-stop-shop for tech professionals and organizations looking to make the most out of Microsoft, providing the latest insights on market trends, tech events, and expert tips from across the Microsoft community.

Respondent-recommended YouTube Channels

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What resources are professionals using to increase their knowledge of Microsoft Cloud?

Microsoft Learn 67%
Microsoft technical documentation 51%
Microsoft Tech Community 37%
Microsoft Cloud Skills Challenge 23%
Practice Assessments on Microsoft Learn 20%
Exam prep videos on Microsoft Learn 20%
Coursera 15%
Pearson Vue Microsoft Official Practice Tests 14%
Pluralsight 13%
Instructor-led training with Microsoft Learning Partners 12%
Learning Rooms at Microsoft Learn Community 8%
Other 12%
Microsoft Learn 67%
Microsoft technical documentation 51%
Microsoft Tech Community 37%
Microsoft Cloud Skills Challenge 23%
Practice Assessments on Microsoft Learn 20%
Exam prep videos on Microsoft Learn 20%
Coursera 15%
Pearson Vue Microsoft Official Practice Tests 14%
Pluralsight 13%
Instructor-led training with Microsoft Learning Partners 12%
Learning Rooms at Microsoft Learn Community 8%
Other 12%
‘Other’ responses include YouTube tutorials, LinkedIn Learning, and Udemy.

How do professionals like to learn about Microsoft Cloud?


Official Microsoft step-by-step tutorials


Videos and demos


On-the-job training


Hands-on labs

Detailed product documentation 33%
Unofficial step-by-step tutorials 29%
Online forums and groups 27%
In-person/instructor-led training 24%
Books 20%
Games and challenges 10%
Community-led learning cohorts 9%
Hack sessions 8%
Other 2%
Detailed product documentation 33%
Unofficial step-by-step tutorials 29%
Online forums and groups 27%
In-person/instructor-led training 24%
Books 20%
Games and challenges 10%
Community-led learning cohorts 9%
Hack sessions 8%
Other 2%

Our key findings report contains highlights from this year’s Careers and Hiring Guide, plus our salary tables to allow you to compare your compensation or benchmark your teams’ salaries or rates no matter their role in the Microsoft ecosystem.